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Why do students decide to go to Malta instead of going to the UK?

The only reason, from my research is the PRICE.

We all know that Malta is cheaper than the UK.

Accommodation, cost of life and the English courses are cheaper. Also, the weather is better in Malta than in England for sure and students prefer to spend the summer in a warm country than in a cold one.

I cannot blame them for this decision but I think that if a student decides to start an English course is because he/she really wants to learn the language then, the best choice is going to England.

But why??

First of all because you can speak a Native English, something that you cannot do in Malta as the main language is Maltese, which is not English so students will not learn the real Native English.

Anyway, all the English courses are expensive in England and in Malta are not free at all. Thus, why spend money and go to Malta when, with almost the same amount of money,  can I go in the most famous country for the English language?

I would prefer spend money and be sure that at the end of my adventure I have learnt something even if the weather is cold.

The south of England is really warm, sometimes :) instead of only on vacation in Malta.

Dear students do not be scared of the END PRICE be happy of what that scary price can offer you!!!

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