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GAP Year

The gap year might be an important step in a person's life.

This because you can understand and decide what you want to do in your future.

The famous Gap Year usually starts after students finish high school, that's because the person is not sure about which University going into, where and how. Thus, the best option is travel around the world maybe learning a new language and a new culture in order to have fresh ideas at the end of the adventure.

My own experience: Bournemouth, UK

This has happened to me. After my degree I did not know what to do so I have decided  to move to Bournemouth, UK to learn English.

Learning English is something that everyone should do because is really important to talk to people all over the world.  Also, another great thing to do is a WORK EXPERIENCE, which will help you to understand which job you would like to do in the future.

With a work experience or with an internship you will be able to get professional skills that you can use once you are back to your own country.

My suggestion is go abroad, go in a country such United Kingdom so you will learn very well a new language and you won't waste any time for your education as you will learn how to speak English.  

Talk to an agency such as Student Works, the staff will help to organise your new adventure.

Use your youth to explore, travel and know different people.

This will help you focus on your future and understand better yourself.

COME TO ENGLAND!!! and Student Works will help you to organise your GAP YEAR.

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